Management Systems

The certification of Management Systems is carried out according to the regulation for the certification, supervision and recertification of MANAGEMENT systems Code: RCSM, publicly available on the website, Section CERTROM internal documents and procedures that establish the organizational framework, methods and responsibilities regarding the performance of certification, supervision and recertification of CertRom customer Management systems, in accordance with the reference standards and applicable regulations.

Management Systems (MS) assessment activities aim to:

  • to determine the degree of compliance, maintenance and improvement of the audited MS with the audit criteria;
  • assessing the ability to systematically achieve stated policy and objectives;
  • assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the MS.

Below is a brief presentation of the certification process, in the case of some ambiguities compared to the content of the procedures, the provisions of the procedures are those that are taken into account.

Stages of MS certification


The request is made by the interested economic operator who contacts CertRom by phone, fax, e-mail or by visiting the company’s headquarters in order to obtain information regarding the certification process of management systems. It completes and sends to CertRom the form” application / questionnaire for self-assessment certification management systems”, available on CertRom website, www.certrom.roSe is made by the interested operator who contacts CertRom-OIC by phone, fax, e-mail or by visiting the company’s headquarters in order to obtain information regarding the inspection/certification process of organic products. It completes and sends to CertRom-OIC the form ” application / questionnaire for self-assessment certification of organic products”, available on CertRom’s website,

Request analysis

The analysis of the request is made by the competent CertRom staff to ensure that the following conditions are met before the conclusion of an inspection and management systems certification contract:

  • the operator’s requirements for management system certification are clearly defined, documented and understood;
  • there is the capability to provide the management system certification service with regard to the scope of the required management system certification, the location of the operator’s activities and any other special requirements;
  • any differences of understanding between the parties are resolved.

Conclusion of contract

The conclusion of the certification contract is made after the analysis of the application is favourable and the tariffs are accepted by the operator.

Initial evaluation of the activity (document evaluation and on-site audit)

After signing the contract, the operator is requested to submit the necessary documents for audit activities. After the audit activity at the operator, the audit is concluded with an audit report containing the findings, drafted by the Chief Auditor appointed by CertRom.

In situations where nonconformities are found, they are treated according to the regulation for certification, supervision and recertification of MANAGEMENT systems Code: RCSM, publicly available on the website, documents section.

Analysis and certification decision

The analysis and certification decision is made by CertRom competent personnel for this stage, which after the analysis of the file issues the decision to grant or not grant certification. In case of a favorable decision, the certificate and the certification mark are issued.

Activity supervision

During the validity period of the certificates issued by CertRom, supervision activities of the certified economic operators are carried out, which is materialized by carrying out supervision audits.

For more information please refer to the document “REGULATIONS FOR CERTIFICATION, SUPERVISION AND RECERTIFICATION OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Code: RCSM”, publicly available on the website, DOCUMENTS section.